
Friday 23 January 2015

This Week: Keeping Going

This week was different. I was fifty on Sunday-yes, half a century and on Monday, we went to my Mother's funeral. A day of rejoicing that she is in Heaven but sadness for our loss. A verse that we sang seem apposite:

'Tis Jesus the First and the Last,
Whose Spirit shall guide us safe home;
We'll praise Him for all that is past,
And trust Him for all that's to come.

It all went well and I was pleased that there was no snow. 

Tuesday was a "back to normal" day but we were all rather tired. I guess not an unexpected effect. Sometimes, I'm grateful for a routine so yes, we got English, maths, history and reading aloud done but it wasn't a sparkling day or week. Strangely, I have a post for the Virtual Curriculum Fair ready to go up about Adding Sparkle to Home Education. I think I need that! Still, we have done the basics and sometimes, that has to be enough. Hopefully, in the coming weeks, we can add some of the more interesting items again.

We did manage to do the RSPB Bird Watch and see a green woodpecker in the process. We see, or hear, woodpeckers not infrequently.

The interest in Pompeii has continued with our reading of The Secrets of Vesuvius. Last week, Youngest Son became fascinated with volcanoes so we have been reading about them, making pictures of them and, of course, making model volcanoes with sodium bicarbonate and vinegar. The model has little resemblance to the real thing. The jar in the background has some layered liquids (golden syrup, oil and water) which looked fascinating on the window sill until I knocked them off. Not a great combination to clean off the floor!

Building has kept Youngest Son busy with Duplo (cranes and other vehicles) and meccano (swords and shield) along with making circuits with his Snap Circuits. He has discovered that drinking chocolate and saliva carry electricity although the later is associated with a fizzy tongue!

I was tired so my plans for learning to crochet, blogging often and starting to learn New Testament Greek went to nothing. Hopefully, next week! My elder daughter has given me a book a learning to crochet and another about learning New Testament Greek: I am keen to keep my brain working! As it happened, I just managed a light, fun read: Gervase Phinn's book The School Inspector Calls! The current reading is a potential read aloud for next year: The door in the wall by Margaret de Angeli. There is something about planning months in advance being fun whereas immediate planning is far less interesting!

A few interesting articles:
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  1. It sounds like a great week. I turn 50 later this year. I am impressed with your goals of learning new things.

  2. Happy belated birthday, Sarah! Turning 50 is a milestone! Homeschool-wise, sometimes the basics is all we can cover for a while, and I think that's ok. :-)

    1. Thank you. Yes, I'm sure you are right that the basics are OK sometimes. I find that having a routine helps us at this sort of time.

  3. So glad your mom is at rest in heaven. You are in our prayers. Happy 50th! I will be 70 in February-- time flies!

    1. Thank you. Happy 70th for February. I can't say that 50 feels any different to 49!

  4. It's hard going back to 'normal' because you've had a great loss and life will never be the same again. Praying for comfort and hope, and many precious memories. I miss my grandmother so terribly (she died at 94 two days after the birth of my firstborn). But her memory lives on in our family, and there are so many stories about Grannie Anna that she still remains very much part of us. Take small steps, new hobbies and focussed learning (New Testament Greek sounds quite focussed to me!) take energy, so be gentle with yourself. One day at a time....

    1. Thank you. Yes, the energy for new things didn't appear this week! Recently, we have had some happy times talking about memories of Mum and looking at old photographs. My children, particularly the younger two, only remember Mum when she was quite unwell so it is important of them to hear about the times when she was well.

  5. Belated congratulations on your half century!

  6. Oh, I am so sorry to read about your Mum! I wish you God's grace and strength and peace as you deal with your loss and learn to live without her on this earth.

    Having a special birthday at such a time is difficult, but congratulations anyway. May God bless you in the coming years as you think about using them wisely. I spent a lot of time thinking about that last month in relation to Psalm 90. Perhaps my thoughts will help you; I'd love to read what you think, too.

    God bless you and give you patience with your tears and feelings.


    1. Thank you. I love Psalm 90 and found your thoughts about connecting helpful.

  7. Happy Birthday Sarah!
    May you feel the Peace of Jesus as you mourn your mum.xx
