I have a minor peeve about the term home school as it suggests that the only thing different about what we do is transport the classroom venue and have fewer pupils. Actually, home education is very different.
So we don't
So we don't
- have to follow the National Curriculum.
- have to teach from a secular worldview.
- start and finish with school times. We usually do similar hours but we don't have to. This means that if the children have a late night, we can start later. Actual education, of course, lasts far beyond traditional working hours.
- have to stay inside in "school time".
- have to have a teaching qualification.
- have to have the same holidays.
- have inset days-I rather regret this one.
- have constant testing.
We can
- talk to the children about the Lord.
- pray when things are difficult.
- tutor the children individually.
- individualise learning.
- let the children have major input into their learning.
- let the children be a part of caring for an older relative or anyone else, for that matter. Not, I hasten to add, in an arduous way but in terms of popping in and having a conversation, making a soup or picking flowers.
- have activities that wouldn't really work in school: poetry teatime, having a picnic lunch in an autumnal park and more.
- enjoy parks and playgrounds when they aren't overcrowded.
- make birthdays a holiday.
- be around to see when the child takes a big step forward.
- learn rather than worry about tests when the children are young.
Home education isn't always easy.
If your child is at home all day, you
- don't get a break.
- are responsible for arranging the whole of their education. You might not teach everything but someone has to research and arrange.
- have to provide all their meals. This seems to involve a constant answering of the question What is for lunch?
- have to fit other responsibilities around the children's education. I'm thinking of housework, paid employment and other caring roles.
- are financially responsible for your children's education.
In my book, the positives far outweigh the negatives.
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