Saturday, 24 December 2016

Happy Christmas

Christmas is a bitter sweet time for us. Two years ago, my Mother went to Glory on Christmas Day and this year, we are celebrating at a time when another older family member is seriously unwell in hospital. 

Thankfully, Christmas is a time when we can also celebrate the coming of the Lord Jesus to give blessings which last for time and eternity.

When the fulness of time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.
Galations 4 verses 4 and 5

This lesser known  hymn explains the true significance of Christmas: the coming of the Saviour of the World and the better Sun.

The race that long in darkness pined
Have seen a glorious light:
The people dwell in day, who dwelt 
In death's surrounding night.

To hail Thy rise, Thou better Sun,
The gathering nations come,
Joyous as when the reapers bear
The harvest treasures home.

To us a Child of hope is born,
To us a Son is given;
Him shall the tribes of earth obey,
And all the hosts of Heaven.

His name shall be the Prince of Peace,
For evermore adored:
The Wonderful, the Counsellor,
The great and mighty Lord.

His power increasing still shall spread;
His reign no end shall know:
Justice shall guard His throne above,
And peace abound below.

John Morison

This Christmas sermon, from last year, tells about Heaven's great announcement about the special birth. 

Wishing you all a happy Christmas and a blessed Lord's Day.

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  1. Praying for God's richest blessings for you and your whole family this Christmas :-)
