Friday, 17 December 2010

Blessings of being a three generation family

We've had three generations of us living in the same house for three and a half years now. The adjustment, to what was once the norm, hasn't always been easy but we can see clear benefits for all of us.

Our children are used to having an older person around and don't think older people are different or strange. The four year old particularly is very close to Grandma, they spend hours together. Grandma has taught her to identify many garden birds.

Grandma can see the children grow and change. She doesn't miss the first smiles and steps.

In the middle, we don't have desperate evenings when we have to travel 90 miles to see someone in hospital and get back that night. We don't worry about who will do Grandma's shopping in the snow. We know that three meals a day are offered and eaten.

I've had a willing helper with washing up after the main meal. This was something that I had never anticipated but makes a vast difference.

I've had to learn to live with someone very different to myself and learn more about my reactions, not always pleasant.

We can attend church together. It was difficult for us to help Grandma go to services regularly in her old home.

For Grandma, we have been able to ensure that medication reviews have happened,  leading to an improved health. It is easier to accompany to hospital appointments, although I know that I have sometimes been less than gracious about attending numerous visits.

Yes, it hasn't always been sweetness and light and we have all had to adjust but the benefits, for all of us, have outweighed the difficult times.
I may post, on another occasion, about practical issues and about effects of three generational living for different members of the family.

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