Friday, 17 January 2014

Growing your blog while managing your home-a review

I was delighted to see this e-book advertised on Jacinda Vandenberg's site, Growing Home. Growing your blog while managing your home: The Ultimate Guide for Christian Mommy Bloggers was just what I was looking to read. After all, there is only one of me and a husband, five children, an older relative, home education, church and keeping house that take precedence over blogging but blogging helps keeps me sane, gives me ideas and helps to focus my other tasks. It is the equivalent of my Continuing Professional Development in my previous career. The issue is how to make time and manage that time effectively.

Jacinda has a large and active blog so is an ideal person to write about this subject. Her book has four parts
  1. Creating a vision and maintaining a schedule
  2. Content and design
  3. Growth and monetisation
  4. Logistics and legalities
The book is short but packed with information. I'm planning to go back through the book and implement one idea per day. There are so many helpful tips from having a Christian Mummy blogger as a mentor, scheduling status updates, most efficient ways to write and so on. 

Jacinda has thoughts on simplifying home life and a copy of her schedule. My only niggle is that her children are all very young so do helpful things like nap and are all in bed by an early hour. That does create more time but then, I guess, are much more dependent when they are awake. Another person's load can always look easier from the other side of the fence!

I highly recommend this book to all Christian Mummy bloggers. It retails at $7.99 (about £4.82).  I was impressed enough that having bought this book, I decided to become an affiliate so should you buy via the link below or on my sidebar, I will make a small amount from each sale. 

 photo jancindaad3copy_zpse9525575.png

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  1. Looks interesting, just bought a copy following your link.

  2. Thank you for the recommendation. I am considering buying the book.
