Thursday, 19 June 2014

Sea, stars and camping

We are just back from a day trip to the South Downs Planetarium, in Chichester.  Our home education group has been studying astronomy for the last year. It was a long drive from London but we had a fascinating night sky display with a quiz added in and a talk about meteorites plus the chance to handle a real meteorite.

Having driven such a long way, we decided not to miss the beach

 and have come back laden with shells, 

 and what my five year old hopes is a meteorite.

Paddling and throwing pebbles are part of the substance of childhood.

Perhaps near the beach would have been a better place for our Big Wild Sleepout. However, we weren't that brave and just used the garden. 
Yes, just in case anyone wonders, we are still working! Not quite the end of term yet! 

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  1. The planetarium sounds great, I'd love to take Aaron to one someday.

    1. I was amazed at how much my little ones had understood and retained. Definitely worth taking your children to a planetarium. I need to make more of an effort to make sure that my children see the stars at night. There is so much light, here in London, that it is difficult to see much.

  2. We haven't been to the beach this year yet, and we're so looking forward to the summer! Camping in the garden is probably the further we'll go with the idea. :-)

  3. We had a bit of a debate about beaches between sandy and pebbly. The pebbles won on grounds of distance.

  4. We're almost ready to start travelling to beaches and lovely places. But I don't think we'll find many shells on the shores of Lake Superior!

    Enjoy your last few days of studying. We ended yesterday, and it is so nice to have the school books packed away!

    1. Have a wonderful time. The last few days tend to whizz by and there is the anticipation of summer!

  5. I really want to do the Big Wild Sleepout but my hubby has a broken arm which makes putting up our big tent too difficult. I think it might be a garden job too. Oh and yes - we are still working:)

    Thanks for linking up with the #homeedlinkup
