Saturday, 12 July 2014

On the edge of the Cotswolds

A short trip to the edge of the Cotswolds, minus children.


In the countryside


Tapestry celebrating the Duke of Marlborough's victory at Blemheim. These tapestries are fabulous and were made in wool and silk. The bright colours are in silk. They were made in Belgium and only male workers were allowed.

Birth place of Sir Winston Churchill at Blenheim. He is buried in the churchyard of the adjacent church. The strange picture attached to the head of the bed contains his curls, cut aged five.

Column commemorating the victory of the Duke of Marlborough


Underneath this tomb is another carving of a skeleton. Burford church was fascinating as a piece of history: records of the donations to alms houses, lists of clergy from 1200 and the memorial stone of a man murdered in the 1690s. 

 Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.
Psalm 90 verse12

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1 comment:

  1. Cotswolds is beautiful. Very quaint. I really enjoyed my trip there years ago. Thank you for sharing the photos of your trip and the history behind them.
