Thursday, 4 February 2016

February Inspiration

February is a month that brings mixed feelings; maybe more greyness but hopefully, the very early hope of Spring. 

I hope that these links will provide encouragement.

Over at Se7en, there was a useful and inspiring post about a 365 day photo project. I find that taking photos is a great way of finding the beauty around even in the grey times of year. My personal plan isn't to take photos every day but perhaps, a slightly lower target.

There has been a fair amount of debate, here in the UK, about regulation of home educators and the profile of home education, after a particularly sad case in the news. This article, from a head teacher, brings balance to this.

Laura Ingalls Wilder fans will find this article about the science behind her books interesting. It looks at the location of the school where Laura taught; the severity or otherwise of the Long Winter and Mary's illness.

Becky, at This Reading Mama, has written about Five things that Struggling Spellers need. The second point about spelling being organised in a logical way makes so much sense. We have abandoned a spelling curriculum where the words seemed to have little connection after the first four or so on the list. All about Spelling, which is mentioned in the article is the programme that we use with one of the children.

Tanya has written an article that I feel too guilty to write about starting late in the morning. Yes, maybe I should just accept that we tend to stay up late and not feel bad that we don't start at eight.

Finally, Lizzy has written about home educating without losing your head.

I hope that you all have a joyful February.

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  1. Hi Sarah. I found the Laura Ingalls Wilder article very interesting. I cannot get the UK head teacher link to work though.

    1. Hi Gwen, Thank you for pointing this out. I think that I have fixed the link now.
