Wednesday, 4 January 2017

January Inspiration

Happy New Year! I meant to post earlier but life has been busy. I'm not sure that it will quieten down anytime soon. We care for an elderly family member who has been very ill, in hospital. We are delighted that she seems to be on the mend so we are now involved in the arrangements for what will be a very complicated discharge from hospital. It will be lovely to get her home though.

We have also been enjoying having Older Daughter home from abroad for a few weeks. 

This house is very full of books so I enjoyed this post on steps to giving a book that will be loved.

I'm not successful at being a book minimalist or a minimalist about anything else, if truth be told, but Northern Nester's post about minimalist wardrobes for large families made sense. I do think that larger children's clothes will take up more space than that suggested and I know that 3-4 pairs of socks would be a struggle especially as the washing machine eats socks. 

The next article has an over-hopeful title but has some helpful points about habits.

This post, from Kitchentableclassroom is about strewing

I have started on the 2017 Christian Reading Challenge but haven't finished anything yet. There are three, maybe four, books on the go:

  • Five English Reformers by JC Ryle. I am enjoying this but the book could do with editing. It is made up of six talks which leads to repetition between chapters.
  • Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. Dickens' hint laden prose is intriguing.
  • The Loveliness of Christ by Samuel Rutherford is a beautiful book but can only be read in small snatches as it is full of short quotes from his letters.
  • The beggar from Volubilis by Caroline Lawrence is a current read aloud. I wasn't going to count this as the children's book on the list but might as we should be through it fairly soon. I would like to have completed one book for the challenge!

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  1. The habits post is so lovely. Thanks for the link. It's CM-ish in one sense and also research-based. The more I read about habits and learning, the more I realize just how accurate CM was.

    I'm still trying to decide about my New Year's goals, and the idea of building in habits, which I had forgotten, will be an important part of making things work, I think.

    1. Thank you, yes, I thought it was useful,too. Charlotte Mason had some really helpful insights. She was an amazing observer.
