Thursday, 6 April 2017

Picture Books about South America

Picture books about South America seem few and far between. Over the last couple of years, we have been learning about the continents at our local home education group. South America has been, by far, the most difficult in terms of researching picture books, and chapter books for that matter. This is a South American list-some of the lists that I have researched have put Central America with South America. There are a reasonable number of books about Mexico but strictly, that comes under North America.

Anyway, these are the few that I have found.

  • Ecuador Adventure: Jim Elliot by Colin Jones. This is a picture book about the missionaries who were martyred in Ecuador in the 1950s. This is well, but sensitively, presented. This book is rather longer than the others and is probably aimed at the 7-11 age group.
  • Mia's Story by Michael Foreman. This is the story of a little girl who lives in a shanty town ,built on a rubbish dump, in Chile. The sort of book that I want to read to my children to remind them of how much we have.
  • Lost City:The Discovery of Machu Picchu by Ted Lewin is the  story of the finding of the remains of Machu Picchu, in 1911, by Professor Hiram Bingham. A fascinating, older children's picture book (ideal for 5 to 10s, I would think). It does refer to Something going on. Something just beyond his eyes. What was it?
  • Tonight is Carnaval is a book about waiting for the carnival illustrated with arpilleras which are sewn pictures from South America.  For some reason carnival is spelled, throughout the book, as I have written in the title.
  • Waiting for the Biblioburro is the true story of a man who brings a library of books to remote villages in Columbia on two donkeys. This is the sort of picture book which it would be easy to use as the basis of a unit study.
I haven't seen If you were me and lived in Peru but we have used and enjoyed other books in this series.

Please feel free to add other picture books about South America in the comments.

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