Saturday, 23 July 2011


Just a few ideas and thoughts that I have found useful.

The Christian life: Petra from Penned Pebbles has a wonderful  article, Thy righteousness is in heaven. This has a quote from John Bunyan's "Grace Abounding" and is definitely worth reading.

Book: On holiday, last week, I read a fascinating volume with an inauspicious title: "Ladies of the Reformation" by JH Alexander.

The book has a series of short chapters about women of the Reformation including royalty, reformers' wives and three martyrs from the Netherlands. Many of these women were just names before although often names that had cropped up frequently such as Jeanne d'Albrecht, and others, such as the wife of John Knox, I hadn't realised existed.

My copy was a gift from a family member but I understand that the book is sold by
the Christian Bookshop Ossett

Education: Heather from Blogshewrote has written about coaching the writing process.

Library: This is probably only useful for people in and around London but I recently visited the Home School library in Rotherhithe. This has so many books crammed into a tiny space including curriculum materials. I wish that I had visited two years ago!

This is so helpful if you aren't quite sure about a curriculum as books can be taken out for four months and renewed for another four. I've been able to borrow some of the picture books that I needed for Five in a Row as well as books to read over the summer to help with planning.

Enough for now!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing Bunyan's quote, Elizabeth! I'll have to look for "Ladies of the Reformation". Blessings to you, my friend!
