These are our criteria for a good Bible picture book
- reverent
- keeps to Biblical facts-no Jonah being swallowed by a whale. A whale isn't the same thing as a fish, no way.
- no pictures of the Lord Jesus. This article by John Murray explains this far better than I could
- attractive pictures
- proof read. I know that people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones but having the same word spelt in different ways on the same page jars.
- narrative that isn't so summarised that is makes very little sense
- Psalm 103 and 127 by Johanna Bluedorm. These are illustrated versions of these psalms using the King James Version.
- The series by B Ramsbottom. We do read the chapters with full colour illustrations more than those without but this is a minor problem.
- Some of the old Ladybird Old Testament books. The New Testament books tend to have pictures of the Lord.
- Some of the Famous Bible stories by Carine Mackenzie.
Don't forget reading the Bible itself. Little children can often understand a short reading from a Gospel better than a retelling.
If anyone else has suggestions please share them.
Great list of criterion! I agree with each one and will read John Murray's article as well. Thank you!