- picture books
- early chapter books
- older children's chapter books
- books about home education
- reference books for use at home.
These books are a small selection of those available on the subject of home education. There are many more available which I haven't included either because I don't know about them or I haven't read them or they just aren't my favourites.
I don't think that I would agree with everything in most, if not all, of these books. These books are for thought rather than coming with my whole hearted agreement but are well worth reading for stimulating thought and improving quality of home education.
- When you rise up by JC Sproul Jr deals with Christian home education. This is a challenging book and a must read.
- Making the right impression is published by the UK Christian organisation Home Service. It has vignettes of 21 UK Christian home educating families of very different style. Each family explains why they home educate and how they go about education at home.
- Educating the wholehearted child by Clay and Sally Clarkson is about a Biblical model for education at home. It explains different home education styles and much more besides.
- Teaching the Trivium: Christian homeschooling in a classical style by Harvey and Laurie Bluedorn. This is a thick book, over 600 pages. The Bluedorn's do have quite strong opinions on a variety of subjects which in some ways spoils the book. They are well known for advocating delaying formal maths until age 10 which seems challenging for anyone who doesn't see maths in everything.
- The well trained mind by Jessie Wise and Susan Wise Bauer. This is another 600 page tome on classical education. This book describes a rigorous education and is full of helpful suggestions around curriculum. In my opinion, it is the more useful Classical education book.
- A Charlotte Mason companion: personal reflections on the gentle art of learning by Karen Andreola. This book condenses and explains Charlotte Mason's teaching with modern practical suggestions.
- The six volume series of Charlotte Mason writings is provided, free, at Ambleside Online.
- The homegrown preschooler: teaching your kids in the places where they live by Kathy H. Lee and Lesli M. Richards is a particularly useful book for families with a preschooler.
- Managers of their homes by Steve and Teri Maxwell is a step by step guide to scheduling. It is pedantic: I couldn't bear to have a buzzer going off every half an hour but the book has some helpful ideas particularly from the people who tested the book.
Do visit some of the other people who are writing in this blog hop.

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