Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Year 5 Plans

Although I can't quite get my head round this, Younger Daughter will be year 5 age in September. I think that is about US grade 4. Thankfully, as home educators we don't have to pay too much attention to her year nor do we have to follow the National Curriculum but instead, she can have work tailored to her.

I have struggled planning this year as there is so much I would like to fit in but am well aware that often less is more.

Back in July, I wrote a post about our Morning Basket so I won't include that here. The Morning Basket contains our Bible learning which is the foundation of everything else that we do.

I am planning various strands to this: first, discussions with the book club, at the home education group and second, some cross curricular work. Part of the latter, will be through books related to history but for the first half of the autumn term, we have a study of Tom's Midnight Garden using a unit study from Branch Out World. I hope to review this at the end of the first half of the autumn term.


Private Reading
There will be a daily slot for this, after lunch.

This will assume a larger place and my aim is to cover different types of writing. I have a plan which will be in a separate post.

We will mainly work on this with writing poetry into the family poetry anthology although I may need to make some time, once a week, for more specific practice.

We plan to continue poetry teas.
Grammar and punctuation
This will be part of Morning Time. I hope to use A Practical English Grammar by Thomson and Martinet which has been recommended to me and looks ideal.

After some thought, the plan is to continue using the Galore Park Junior Maths series. This year, we hope to use book 3.

Last academic year, we started the Apologia Junior book about Swimming Creatures and hope to carry on with this.

 The aim is to continue weekly nature walks. We will probably still use Exploring Nature with Children as a spine as there is so much in this book and we certainly didn't do anything like all of the additional activities but we will also draw/photograph/find out about plants and animals that we see.

Latin is new, this year. Younger Daughter is very keen to start this. We hope to use the Galore Park So you really want to learn Latin prep and the workbook that goes with this. The plan is to do a little Latin each day and I expect that it may take more than a year to complete this stage. The aim is for solid learning not speed!

After two happy years with Veritas Self-Paced, we plan to change to Story of the World volume 3: Early Modern Times. This change is solely because the last two years of Veritas Self-Paced history become more US based and we wanted something more general. We hope to use the Story of the World activity book alongside the book but will probably follow our own extra reading and hope to add in some trips. The plan is that our extra reading will focus on British history and Christian history.

We don't plan anything formal beyond the continent study that we hope to continue in our home education group (Europe, North and South America are the relevant continents, this year). Geography will also come up in history; in following the travels of friends and family and in learning about believers in other lands.

Younger Daughter will continue her piano lessons and the music appreciation, in Morning Time.

Art is the subject which still needs most work. Some art will be linked to history but I do need to add in a little more.Younger Daughter loves photography so something around this theme might be a possibility. Art appreciation happens in Morning Time.
Physical Education
We plan to continue swimming lessons, cycling and time outside in our local parks.

Typing really fell by the wayside, last year. This year, I hope to give it a regular slot with typing.com.

Phew, that seems massive and there were things that had to be left out. 

Any thoughts about the art? Do your children learn other subjects and any thoughts about fitting everything in, without overload?

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  1. We used the first Artistic Pursuits book, which we did enjoy, but it is quite expensive, and there are special art supplies you need to buy for it. Since then we have used various secondhand (i.e. cheap!)art books which combined art appreciation and practicing the techniques. We are just about to start using The Art Doodle Book for that reason. On photography, we are thinking of buying a homeschool course for our oldest from ipsphoto.co but it is quite expensive, and when I was searching for it, I came across a homeschool photography lesson plan for younger children: http://www.homeschooling-ideas.com/homeschool-photography-lesson-plan.html
    Hope that might be of help!

    1. Thank you. The homeschooling ideas lesson plan looks like a useful starter. We've used Artistic Pursuits before and it has worked for a while but we have sometimes come unstuck over extra supplies. I ought to have a look to see what is sitting on our shelves!
