Friday, 19 September 2014

First Fortnight Back

I meant to write this a week ago as First Week back but that didn't quite happen. Something about a new term; getting used to new timetables and books. It has made me tired anyway!

There is something extra happening everyday mainly because Middle Son is working for exams so has some tutors and groups. Younger Daughter has also started some eagerly awaited piano lessons.

We have enjoyed the beautiful autumn weather and conker hunting.
As usual, we have many conkers-I should probably use these for Youngest Son's maths.

The younger two are continuing our pattern of mornings doing Bible time, English, maths and finishing the morning with Veritas self paced history. After lunch, Younger Daughter has a half an hour book time either for reading, looking at or listening to books. After this we have read aloud time, Spanish, geography, science, art, First World War history, outside time or groups. This sounds exhausting but items apart from reading aloud and Spanish only happen about once a week-less for the groups. My real difficulty with this year is not the odds and ends we do in the afternoon but fitting in all the different components of English: phonics, spelling, reading, writing, handwriting, comprehension and grammar. Any advice? We are really consistent about the phonics and reading but less so for the other components. 

We have been to one group so far, this term. There are two components to the activities: something from Bake through the Bible to illustrate a Biblical truth. This house shows God's faithfulness in providing a home for the Children of Israel. 

Youngest Son wanted to make a tent.

The second component is a Five in a Row book and activities around this. Last week, we looked at How to make an apple pie and see the world. I failed to take pictures of this as I was arranging this part of the activities. Hopefully, I will take some for the next book. Anyway, we put the appropriate ingredients on the map; played with apple playdough(recipe from the Imagination Tree. I used four teabags instead of two); made or attempted to make compasses and made a world puzzle.

Younger Daughter is very keen to sew. With some trepidation as my skills aren't great, I have started making a skirt with her. She is very keen and loves to use the sewing machine. 

What we are reading: There seem to be a plethora of read alouds, at present. This week, we have read Mailing May which is a delightful picture book about a real girl who was sent in the post in the US, in 1914 and started Caddie Woodlawn. Both of these were from our local homeschool library: great finds as I hadn't expected to see either here in the UK. The Great History of Britain is also very popular and has been prompted from just being read in work time to also being requested as a bedtime story; review coming soon. Each morning, I read aloud a chapter of Leading Little Ones to God from a battered volume which has now been read to all of our children. If I were buying this again, I would buy a hardcover volume!
I've just finished Isobel Kuhn's book By searching and have another of her volumes to read. First, I need to read To Kill a Mockingbird which is one of Younger Son's books, this term. I read it years ago but realised that I have forgotten all beyond the basics of the plot.

Listening: Some friends have lent us Our Island Story on CD. Younger Daughter likes to listen to this over breakfast. I've been listening to some acapella hymns.

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  1. That's a very full fortnight! I don't remember ever getting every part of language arts done consistently... they are more done on a rotation basis. I can't sew to save my life, so I am half relieved that I don't have a daughter!

  2. I am impressed that you are working on a skirt. I am reading Leading Ones currently with Miss K. I really enjoy that book. I struggle at times to fit everything in as well.
