The planner is a spiral bound book protected by transparent protective covers measuring 7.3" by 8.5" (about 19cm x 22.5cm).
The Company helpfully produced a video which explains more about using the planner. This video takes about 12 minutes but there are shorter videos explaining about individual components of the planner.
The 7 Minute Life Daily Planner is designed for adults trying to organise life at work and at home.
Before using the Planner on a daily basis, I worked on some of the tasks at the start of the book. Please note that this part of using the Planner takes more than 7 minutes. Once the Planner is up and running, planning for a new day only takes around 7 minutes but the initial work does take a little longer. I discovered that the more effort that I put into this, the better the Planner worked for me. These tasks included
- prioritisng aspects of life such as faith, relationships, tradition, success and a whole long list of other parts of life.
- writing down a purpose in life.
- a page about what is loved about work, strengths and "high value activities."
- mental clutter list-those things that never get done or cause clutter and stress.
- 90 day goals including breaking these down into actions.
- life goals
- lists for unfinished work and home tasks
- home repair contact list
- grocery list
- address book pages
- annual, 90 and monthly calendar.
- meeting planner.

It is important to at least start to fill these in before going onto the daily planner. I found the 90 day goal list and pages of lists of unfinished tasks particularly useful whereas the life goals page was a bit overwhelming. I don't know exactly what God wants me to do for the rest of my life so it felt difficult to fill in this section.
The daily progress report is a double page spread for each day. The picture below is of the left hand side.
The daily progress report is a double page spread for each day. The picture below is of the left hand side.

- appointments
- thank you notes
- voice mail and notes
The aim is to spend 7 minutes a day planning the next day and, in particular, five things that will be done before 11am in order to further aims.
How did this work for me?
- It was helpful to make a list of things that had been nagging me or I had put off doing.
- Thinking through my purpose in life and 90 goals was helpful. I think that I have been more organised about winter wardrobes and it has lead to me planning an educational trip which might otherwise not have happened.
- The unfinished tasks list was usually sadly full but pulling five out did mean that I tackled some otherwise neglected jobs.
- This planner seems to have been primarily designed for the business world and not for home educating mothers. I have virtually no voice mails but many emails. I didn't write these into the voice mail column as dealing with them direct seemed more efficient. Again, I didn't list my daily contacts: I didn't quite see the point as a home educating mother. Perhaps, I could have put them down as a prayer list.
- Working through five tasks before 11am worked reasonably well during the holidays but once we started back with our home education timetable, this became difficult. Either, I put items on the list which tend to happen anyway: make the children's breakfast, start home educating for the day (a bit before 11am-I hope!), open the door for the carer, make Grandma's breakfast, put the washing on etc. Not really much point writing these, however, if I wrote in items that I really wanted to sort out, there just wasn't time in these hours. Five before 11pm might work better while we are home educating.
- It was helpful to have a reminder to write thank you notes.
- I used the space for notes on a fair few days. It was helpful to have this space to start planning out ideas and saved mislaid sheets of paper.
Overall, I found that having to work through aims and goals was helpful but the planner would be even more useful if it could be customised for home educators.
The 7 Minute Life™ Daily Planner costs $24.95 ( which currently is about £15.33).
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7 Minute Life is on various social media.
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