Tuesday, 8 December 2015

December Inspiration

 Almost the end of the year. This was just before the wind at the weekend so there aren't quite so many leaves now.

I've been thinking about books: those that I have loved this year and those that are on next year's wish list. Hopefully, more about this later. Two posts have given me some ideas:

Books and Chocolate is hosting a Back to the Classics 2016 challenge and Tim Challies has a 2016 Reading Challenge with four different levels depending on how much time you can devote to reading.

Also while on the next year theme, I have been inspired by Lynn's Calendar of Firsts.  My hesitation is that my art doesn't turn out how I envisage it should look so may be if I can pluck up my courage!

Back in time, what seems to be King Hezekiah's seal has been found. I would love to see this.

The All about Learning blog has a post about spelling lists that do and don't make sense. If you have struggled teaching a child spelling from a seemingly random or semi-random list this will resonate.

Please let me know if you know of any other reading challenges for 2016. Do you do reading challenges? Do you think that they are helpful or a distraction? 

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  1. The book challenge looks quite interesting and I like that they are subjects, not exact titles; but I have to admit that I sometimes struggle with long term challenges all spelled out for me. :-) It's as much as I can do some months to accomplish the challenges I post on my own blog. Heh. :-) Having said that, though, it might be interesting to use it without any self-imposed time limits. That could prove quite useful as I sometimes am not sure what to read next. Thank you for the link!

    1. Yes, I know what you mean about challenges sometimes the stretch is good and sometimes it becomes a burden. I'm wondering about personalising a challenge still further!
